
Four Things 暖通空调-R Techs Love about Their Jobs


If you’re enjoying your nice warm house or comfortable office on a crisp fall day, 你应该感谢暖气, 通风, Air Conditioning and 制冷 (暖通空调-R) techs who install and repair all types of heating and cooling systems. 9月22日, 2021—which happens to also be the first official day of autumn—you can celebrate their work and the technology that makes it all possible by celebrating National Temperature Control Day!  

We know that 暖通空调 techs make customers happy when they install a new system or repair a failing one. We wondered what makes them happy about doing their jobs. 


布雷迪V. had been jumping from job to job and wanted to make a greater contribution. He graduated from the 暖通空调 program at Fortis’s 盐湖城, 犹他州 campus and is now a commercial technician, working on restaurant equipment, including ovens and ice machines. “I feel a lot more confident and comfortable in my own skin,他说. “I feel knowledgeable and valuable that I have something to bring to society and offer people.” 


迈克尔·C., a 暖通空调 graduate from Fortis’s 凯霍加瀑布, 俄亥俄州 campus, loves interacting with customers. “Every day I get up to go to work knowing that I'm out there making a difference in people's lives,他说. “And that definitely changed my view of my life.” 


贾维斯K. always loved tinkering with electronics. When he heard about the 暖通空调 program at Fortis’s 移动, 阿拉巴马州的校园, he knew it was a perfect fit. His favorite part of the job is saving the day. “When you go in somewhere and everybody is hot and sweating, and then you come in and you get that air conditioner going—it’s just instant gratification,他说. “这是一种美妙的感觉.” 

Experiencing variety throughout the day 

安迪·D., 暖通空调 graduate from Fortis in 纳什维尔, 田纳西州. loves everything about being an 暖通空调 tech—especially the variety. “I don't do the same thing every day,他说. “I travel around for most of the day. [The education and job] changed my personal life because it made me realize that I can do a lot more than I thought I could.” 

If you think you’d enjoy becoming an 暖通空调 tech, Fortis can provide you with the education you need. 访问 我们的网站 for more information and to find an 暖通空调的培训 program near you or call (855) 436-7847 to speak with a representative today.